Besides that, there really isn't a whole else in the film. If none of them are scary or frightening, then most of the film's power will be lost. The Bad News: This film basically relies on the belief that extreme piercing, full-body tattoos and scaring are scary images for the average person.
His look, though, drives the film, so I won't spoil it, but it is a really disturbing and shocking look that will definitely get you a little crept out the first time his full appearance is shown. This is mostly played out in the psychical form of Captain Howdy, who does look pretty creepy.
Most of the focus on this film is the discomfort one gets when exposed to extreme forms of scaring and skin piercing, and it is a subject most get uncomfortable viewing. The ending is also pretty great and pretty exciting, with a great bit of action in there as well.

Even though it deviates from it towards the end, the original set-up is pretty great. The Good News: As it gets more and more commonplace for people to chat online and in instant messaging, the fact that this one was the first out of the gate to show the potential evils and dangers of the situation is a nice and original approach. When new evidence confirms that he may not be dead, Detective Gage tries harder than before to stop him. After a couple years in an insane asylum, he gets released back into the community, and a local militia group led by Jackson Roth, (Robert Englund) kidnap him and leave him for dead. With the help of his cousin Angela Stravelli, (Amy Smart) Captain Howdy is caught and brought to justice. Her father Mike (Kevin Gage) just happens to be the detective on the case, and his partner Steve Christian, (Brett Harrelson) convinces him to check out a club that specializes in piercing and scarification, which is also the secret hideout for Captain Howdy, (Dee Snider) also known as Carleton Hendricks, who is the suspected cause of the disappearances.
**SPOILERS** Genevieve Gage, (Linda Cardellini) is just the latest in a series of disappearances plaguing a small town. "Strangeland" isn't that bad if it features fears of yours. You have to give Dee some credit, there are a lot worse movies out there. Overall, the good outweighs the bad, and I would recommend watching it (at least once). It's a brilliant and appropriate piece of casting that genre fans should appreciate. Krueger fans will know what I'm talking about. Instead of playing the killer, he is the leader of the mob going to find the killer. Also, I loved the fact that Robert Englund plays a character that is the exact opposite of his role in A Nightmare on Elm Street. And there are a few gross sadist scenes, one involving piercing an unwilling man in the most dreaded of all places. The first time you really get a good look at him he's intense. On a good note, Dee Snider is a creepy looking character. Yes, it's in the Exorcist, but it is also a Sister song. And the Twisted Sister references that no one picks up on are laughable: the "we're not gonna take it" sign that the angry mob is holding and Dee's character "Capt. Some lines ("What a rush?") are kind of terrible. It borrows too much from other flicks, like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. As a simple but interesting story, Strangeland is in the middle of good and bad.